Описание: Calm, thoughtful and somber human emotion theme. Full of reflection and kindness, yet with a sense of moving on and pushing forward. Steady felt piano figures, solitary wistful cello backed by a medium sized string section. Perfect for dark drama, detective drama, historic documentary or TV theme. Main, short and mix-outrs

Описание: Dramatic building music cue. The camera zooms in from space flying over vast deep blue oceans, meeting huge crashing waves. Opens gently with a single note played by violins, gradually expanding with slow piano chords, then blooming into huge epic crescendos with swelling cymbal crashing waves.

Описание: Classic dark dramatic tension. Edge of your seat, creepy, ghostly atmosphere, where the tension is too much to bear. All with the feeling that something or someone could jump out at any moment. Features slow discordant piano and light sound design with scraped cymbals. Great for film and tv. Main mix, 60sec, 30sec and sting versions

Описание: Slow, reflective and melancholic. Beautiful, heart warming and passionate reflection in to past times, as the years roll by. Tinged with sadness and regret of lost loves. Features piano and strings. Perfect for drama, documentary and commercials for elderly care, health related and services. Main, 60 and 30sec in full and underscore mixes

Описание: Sentimental and melodramatic solo violin. This well-known tune was written by Theodore Moses-Tobani in 1893 and originally called A New Flower Song. Often associated with over the top melodrama and parody, this dramatic cue is perfect for radio, TV, film and the theatre. Sweet and cloying. 60sec and 30sec

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